General terms and conditions

Data of the web store operator:

Publisher and headquarters:
István Puskás, (sole proprietor)
H-1172 Budapest, V. street 19/A, Hungary

Registration number:
NAV 59129192

Tax number:

Tel.: 06 30-212-8666


Online bank card payments are made through the Stripe system. After payment by bank card, membership access is automatically created within a few minutes.


The content available on the website is intellectual property of István Puskás. He is hereinafter the "publisher". Content posted on closed pages can be read against the payment of a membership fee. By accessing one of the language sections of you accept the following terms and conditions.
By accessing one of the language sections of, you accept the following terms and conditions.

The membership fee is determined per calendar year, i.e. access to the library's selected language content is provided to readers for one calendar year after receipt of the membership fee. At the end of the membership period, it can be extended for another year. There is no time limit to maintaining membership through annual renewals. We cannot accept the payment of several annual membership requests at the same time.

With one membership, you can read the documents of all three language sections. The same documents are uploaded to the various language sections, differences in uploading times are possible. The amount of the membership fee is reviewed once a year by the publisher, who is also the operator. The current membership fee is published on the website along with the start date of the application.

Payment can only be made by bank card in HUF or EUR through the Stripe system.

Online bank card payment is a separate, purchased service, and its data management is independent of the publisher. The publisher is only informed of the fact of the payment.

Online bank card payment is a recurring form of payment. On the day of the anniversary, the membership fee is automatically deducted from the bank card, if the membership is not canceled before then.

Copyright management:

The domain name, as well as the content of the articles published on the site, are protected by copyright, their use - with the exception of the link - is possible only with the prior and express written consent of the publisher. The processing and resale of all or parts of the website (text, graphics, photos, data structure, structure, etc.) is prohibited without the publisher's prior written consent! It is also forbidden to use the contents of the website for text and data mining without the publisher's prior written consent!

The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from the communication or translation of the studies, works of fiction.

Last modification: 06.17.2024.