Culture, nothing else!

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you access the content of our library in the language of your choice.
You can choose one of three languages - Hungarian, German or English.
The content is identical, except for publications currently being translated.
The uploaded material cannot be downloaded, only read online for a one-off membership fee.

Our publications

are currently associated with the famous, cosmopolitan members of a family and make up for the want of knowledge.

The politicized

public life in Hungary has so far been an obstacle to the disclosure of the facts.

In the feudal world

their civilian appearance, their classification as enemies during the Nazi period, and the Kádárist falsification of history during the communist period hindered the communication of the facts.

That is no coincidence,

that nowadays this information appears in a private library.

People featured in our publications:

Tivadar Puskás

Tivadar Puskás

Puskás Tivadar or, in contemporary English, Theodore Puskas.

The inventor of the telephonic news (Telephone Herold, Telefon-Hírmondó), Tivadar Puskás, is a national hero in Hungary, yet there are many unsubstantiated legends about him, such as that he was an employee of Edison.

On our site, you will find a factual, evidence-based description of the inventor's life in Hungarian, which is not like a classic biography.

Djavidan Hanum

Djavidan Hanum

Djavidan Hanum, Javidan Hanim in English transcription, Cavidan Kadin in Turkish, legal Hungarian name Májuska Puskás, falsely and offensively spread in the media under the affixed name Countess Marianna Török, Djanan Djavidan after the death of her ex-husband , she was the last Egyptian vice-queen.

The research into the life of the Egyptian vicequeen, Djavidan Hanum, has not yet been concluded. For this reason, no detailed biography has been prepared about her. Many documents, such as official and private memories in Arabic, cannot be published at this time. In 1913, Májuska divorced Abbas Hilmi II, viceroy of Egypt, and settled in a German-speaking area, where she continued her life as an artist. Her books, short stories and articles in German are unknown in the English-speaking world. Her first book was published in German in 1930, which, when translated into several languages, was already read by half of the world's population. This book was translated into English in 1931, but it contains errors and omissions. Her other works are only known in German, they are being translated and uploaded to our library continuously. We do not undertake to present his scores, piano concerts, radio plays, radio appearances, film scripts, or film appearances. We cannot show the 150-200 paintings either, as we know most of them are damaged.

We hope that our library will continue to grow at a good pace and provide you with many useful and enjoyable moments!

István Puskás,
the operator of the library

Contact us for any problems and conflicts!

István Puskás

Tivadar Puskás

The inventor's life and family

without legends

Library membership

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You will receive letters in the language you have just chosen, but you can read the library's books in all three languages.

We wish you good fun and a pleasant time!